Every hair on our bodies including our eyelashes follow a natural growth cycle. We are born with a specific number of follicles, and that number pretty much remains the same as we age. It is important to take care of your lashes so that they remain lush and full throughout your lifetime. The Life of an Eyelash Eyelashes exist for protection. They activate the blink response so that dust, dirt, debris and other foreign objects don’t get lodged in our eyes. And here we thought eyelashes were just to enhance our beauty! The upper eyelid holds about 90 to 150 lashes, while the lower eyelid has about 70 to 80. Each individual eyelash is programmed to reach a certain length (3/8 of an inch on average), fall out, and then re-grow.
This is the growth phase. It lasts anywhere between 30 to 45 days. Here your eyelash is growing from a little bud to it’s fullest potential (if it can stay in the anagen phase for 45 days). Only about 40% of the upper eyelashes and about 15% of the lower eyelashes are in the anlagen phase at any one time which allows eyelash growth to rotate and for them to always be present on the eyelids.
The growth phase is followed by a transition
phase which lasts typically for 14-21 days. Here
the eyelash stops growing and the follicle begins to desiccate. The catagen phase must complete to the next phase, so early lash loss in this phase can make the lashes look less full. Again, emphasizing healthy follicles is the key here.
This is the resting phase. Here, the eyelash will
naturally fall out because the follicle has completely decussated in order to return to the growth phase. This phase can last anywhere between 90 to 120 days where no visible lash can be seen to the naked eye. Here the emphasis is to keep the eyelid margins clean to reduce sources of inflammation so that the follicle is resting in a healthy environment
and ready to grow to it’s fullest potential when the growth phase begins again.
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