Oil and makeup residue breaks down the bond between the extensions and the lash adhesive, meaning your lashes will start popping prematurely. Oh and that's before we mention the obvious: the dirt and grime that builds up over time makes lashes look clumpy and, quite frankly, a little bit gross!
The lashbar Darwin is proud to present a new, sensitive lash shampoo that will eliminate dirt, oils, and residues leaving you with clean, healthy and happy looking lashes!
Instructions For Use
This lash shampoo is so simple to use, you'll have no excuse for letting your lashes go grimy. Simply follow the steps below for clean, healthy and long lasting lashes!
Apply a small amount of shampoo on the brush using the foaming pump.
Apply the shampoo to the lashes and around the eye area to remove make-up and oil residue.
Using gentle movements, brush up and down along the lashes.
Rinse thoroughly with water.
Pat or fan dry.
Gently brush lashes with a clean lash wand/mascara brush.